Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Too much!

I've been thinking a lot about how much technology we have in front of us all the time.

You see, we have a desktop, a laptop, an IPad, 2 IPhones, and 2 Televisions all in one fairly small house. We don't need to move but a few feet to reach the next gadget. The worse part is, we reach a lot. I've caught myself eating lunch with the little guy while I check my email. I wonder what he thinks. I'm sure he wishes I was talking to him instead.

I've decided to put down the phone or computer while I'm with him. We are both happier that way.

I read an article a few months ago discussing the possible effects of technology on children. It discussed possible links to ADD, discussed the effects on communication skills, and on intellect. I'm a little scared of what this technology is going to do to the next generation...even to our generation.

Anyways, here is a clip I caught this morning from Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show. We decided that our kitchen table is going to be a cell free zone. I'm working on making Sundays unplugged too...I'll let you know if we get there.

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