Monday, May 24, 2010

Getting Ready

We're getting ready to leave for our trip to Grand Cayman and we are so excited! We've had a sick boy on our hands for several weeks and he's finally over it so it is time to vacay! I'm kind of freaking out because there is a 30% chance of storms every day that we are there. The picture they show on just makes me mad because the sun is just barely peeking around the just looks negative. I'm hoping it's just a little "Island Rain." You know, the kind that happens for like 30 minutes or so here and there and the sun comes out in between. We're praying hard for good weather, and for safe travel, and that we survive without getting our little boy's bear hugs everyday, and that my mom remembers how to Skype so we can talk to him.

This is what I'm going to miss...

Isn't he the most precious thing in the world!

Now off to pack!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Scott laughs at me all the time because I enter every sweepstakes I see. I just can't help myself because someone has to win it, right? I'm almost ashamed to admit that I haven't been entering daily like I usually do for the new HGTV home. That is about to change because the more I look at it, the more I love it!

Here is a pic

Isn't it just perfect! It's not the "Dream" house that they do each year, it's actually the "Green" house. That would normally kind of annoy me but for some reason that makes it that much better this time. It's just outside of Cape Cod which is a huge bonus for me because I'd be so close to family. It also has the perfect front porch for sipping my morning cappuccino and it comes with a car which is great because we currently only have one! What more could a girl ask for. So, I will begin entering daily through June 4th and I'll let you know if I win. If you win and you found out about this from me I definitely think I should be your first guest in the home...or you could at least give me the car.

Big Boy!

I know...I told some of you that I would post birthday pictures awhile ago but I'm just now getting around to it. We had a great birthday party with family at our house for our little man. The party was complete with The Pioneer Woman's Spicy Pulled Pork, all the sides, and we topped it all off with cake. If you don't know "The Pioneer Woman," you should go check her out.

So here he is, the BIG one year old!

He started really walking right before his party. How cool is that! Here he is in action.

The invitation

The cake


Jaxon with his smash cake and his hat which he wouldn't keep on.

Enjoying his first taste of cake.

He loves his new "Cozy Coupe."

Opening presents with cousins.

Playing with cousin Corban in his new wagon.

I think Jax had a great time and if he could talk he would say he loves being one!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Our precious little bundle turned ONE on Friday, April 30th! We can hardly believe it! This has definitely been the fastest year of our life. God has truly blessed us with Jaxon. He is a constant reminder of God's great love for us. Jaxon is the happiest baby I know. We are so thanksful that God has entrusted us with this precious child.

Here he is on his birth date, one year ago.

I'll post his birthday pictures soon. If you haven't seen his one year video that Scott made yet, here is the link. Warning, it is 15 minutes long....a year is a long time.
