Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Camera is Rolling

Today I woke up like I always do, to the sound of a little boy calling out for us to get him up. Today was different though. After hearing him I heard the "beep" from a video camera and Scott saying, "July 24th, 2010, a day in the life."

I had forgotten. He was filming. Yes, that is right. My artsy fartsy husband has been filming our life from the moment we woke up. That is some really scary footage if you ask me.

It's all part of a you tube project. Here's the link if you're interested.

It calls for compelling footage of your life on July 24, 2010. I don't know that waking up, making muffins, eating with friends, book club, lunch, and the rest of our day is that compelling but we'll see.

I do know that I was filmed at 6:54 this morning and I think I deserve wife of the year for that.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Like father like son

Do you see the cable in his hand? He has been walking around the house holding it for two days now. Don't worry, he's not in danger. He's just obsessed with electronics like his daddy. Like father, like son.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is the world really ready for this?

This is my husband. Isn't he great!

He has become kind of artsy fartsy in the past couple of years. In fact, he just started a photography website. Well, it's been in the works for a ridiculously long time but it's finally here.

He takes great pictures like this.

It's just something he enjoys. Not something he's doing as a job (Just in case you were wondering).

You can visit the website here.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Too much!

I've been thinking a lot about how much technology we have in front of us all the time.

You see, we have a desktop, a laptop, an IPad, 2 IPhones, and 2 Televisions all in one fairly small house. We don't need to move but a few feet to reach the next gadget. The worse part is, we reach a lot. I've caught myself eating lunch with the little guy while I check my email. I wonder what he thinks. I'm sure he wishes I was talking to him instead.

I've decided to put down the phone or computer while I'm with him. We are both happier that way.

I read an article a few months ago discussing the possible effects of technology on children. It discussed possible links to ADD, discussed the effects on communication skills, and on intellect. I'm a little scared of what this technology is going to do to the next generation...even to our generation.

Anyways, here is a clip I caught this morning from Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show. We decided that our kitchen table is going to be a cell free zone. I'm working on making Sundays unplugged too...I'll let you know if we get there.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, July 19, 2010


Pretty soon our family will be heading back to New Hampshire for an extended stay. We are so excited to get to go. We feel totally blessed to have such a beautiful place to call our home away from home.

It's the kind of place where you are always surrounded by family.

It's breakfast on the deck, sand in your toes, looking for crawfish, not wearing make-up, ice cream every night, children's laughter in the background, campfires on the beach, water-skiing, tubing, kayaking, the trampoline, sand castles, time with Grammy, visiting, laughing to the wee hours of the morning....the list could go on and on.

Growing up we spent our entire summers there. Some of my friends didn't understand why I didn't miss being home in Texas. They didn't understand that when I hear our car pull onto the gravel driveway in Wolfeboro, I do feel like I'm home.

Last summer Scott did an awesome job and made the Camp Grammy 2009 Video. My oldest sister told me her two youngest have been watching and re-watching the video sometimes more than once a day in anticipation of our trip. They have even set up the office like a movie theatre with popcorn to watch it. Click on the link to see why we love this place.

Camp Grammy Summer 2009 from Scott Hollrah on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July

We spent July 4th weekend in Austin this year. Scott's parents hosted a 4th of July BBQ at their house complete with Big Daddy's Ribs, Rudy's BBQ, and a Croquet Game. The rain held off for the day so we could enjoy some time outside and I do believe the rain made it one of the more cool and green July 4th's Austin has ever seen. Don't get me wrong it was still really hot but better than triple digits.

Here are a few pics from the 4th...

He kind of looks like he belongs playing Croquet in this outfit.

Me and my sweet baby boy.

Our Family.

Hope you had a great July 4th weekend too!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wolfeboro, Round 1

We got back from our first trip to Wolfeboro this summer just before the July 4th weekend. I titled this round 1 because we are taking another, much longer, trip to Wolfe City later this summer. This time we went for my sweet cousin Kaitlyn's wedding weekend. We had so much fun and were thrilled to be included in such a special day in Kaitlyn and Andy's life. They are one of the most fun, gracious, happy, and definitely athletic couples I know. If you knew me a couple of years ago, you may recall that we hosted 3 boys for a few days who were running across the country...well that was the groom. Crazy, I know!

The wedding and reception took place at Bald Peak Country Club overlooking the lake. I was thrilled to get to go there and see it because I have never been able to get in. It was even more gorgeous than I could have ever dreamed of....and of course we also had a blast!

I so want to give you a detailed description of the wedding weekend but instead I think I'll just share a few pictures.

Our little monkey just chilling on the deck.

On the town docks with cousins.

One more of little monkey making my favorite face.
Now to the wedding weekend....

The caravan girls on the way to the bachelorette party.

Almost all the girl cousins at Kaitlyn's bachelorette.

Me, Mom, and Vanessa at the bridal brunch on Lake Winnipesaukee. I don't remember being sweaty or tall but I think this picture proves otherwise.

Guests at the wedding were greeted by this gorgeous bare tree my ubber-talented cousin Meghan made for the couple. As guests arrived they fingerprinted and signed their leaf on the tree. Meghan amazes me. Check out her etsy store here for more of her beautiful creations....more on her in a later post.

The backdrop for the ceremony is Lake Winnepesaukee. How gorgeous is it!

The beautiful couple. Absolutely breathtaking!

The younger cousins who were in the wedding.

No trip to Wolfeboro is complete without numberous (or nightly) trip to Bailey's Bubble for what is truly the best ice cream on earth. Blue Bell is seriously no competition. Trust me.

Even Jax agrees.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Way Behind

I've gotten way behind on blogging. We've had a fun and busy past few weeks and this is definitely the first thing to go. So, I may post a few older posts in the upcoming days in order to catch up....some things are just meant to be shared.

We had a super laid back day on Father's Day this year which is exactly what we all needed. It was just the three of us and we went to church, ate at The Feed Store in Southlake (Scott's choice), and daddy got to play hockey. We were so excited to celebrate all things Scott! He is an amazing husband and dad. We couldn't ask for more!

Here's a picture of my two men. If there was any doubt of who Jax looks like I think this picture is proof that he is his father's son. Even their noses are crinkled the same way.

Here daddy is opening up his card. He got the new iphone for Father's Day. Yes, I know he would have gotten it for himself if we hadn't gotten it for him but he was so happy to have it from us!

My sweet friend Liz sent me this "Dad Life" video. I absolutely love it. So here's to all those awesome dad's and husbands out there. Happy Belated Father's Day!